The Top Three Reasons Why We Think Laura Dern (Of Jurassic Park Fame) Switched from Young Living to doTERRA Essential Oils

The Top Three Reasons Why We Think Laura Dern (Of Jurassic Park Fame) Switched from Young Living to doTERRA Essential Oils

My sister and I seriously love Laura Dern. In fact, her role in Jurassic Park inspired me to embrace my inner dinosaur-savvy-self at age 8. And for three glorious years, I spent part of summers at Dino Camp. Blush!

Anyways, back to Dern.

She has had quite the revival over the past decade by staring in some of our favorite blockbusters: Wild, Star Wars, and Little Women. Yes, please! Anyways, her #dernaissance (as lovingly termed by Twitter) in acting isn't the only thing she's revamping our perspective on:

Dern just shared (in an interview on this beauty-blog) how her essential oil product preferences have evolved. Turns out, she used to use products from Dr. Hauschka. Then, she transitioned Young Living's essential oils for a bit, but eventually found her ideal oils when she "shifted to doTERRA"

So, now for the BIG question. Why did she switch to doTERRA?

While Dern didn't go into the details, it's pretty easy to conjecture up a handful of reasons why she uses doTERRA now.

First off, we know Dern is a HUGE activist for consumer awareness.

In her recent interview with Allure, Dern shared this gem: "I don't want any lies in what I'm consuming, I don't want lies in my politics, and I don't want lies between me and my kids."

As far as truth-in-consumption, it's likely that Dern resonated with doTERRA’s values. The company is well known for its uncommon commitment to transparency—both in products and sourcing.  For instance, each and every doTERRA essential oil bottle comes with its own unique ID, product report and test results. Plus, doTERRA’s co-impact sourcing has caught the eye of everyone from Forbes to the United Nations, so it's not surprising that Dern would appreciate that ethical element in her EO’s as well.

Secondly, Dern is also a big proponent of product and ingredient purity.

In fact, she’s currently an ambassador for Healthy Children Healthy World—a nonprofit with the sole purpose to build awareness about the toxic substances and products that affect children’s health.

We also know Dern recently revamped her (and her whole family’s) skincare routine after her makeup artist introduced her to True Botanicals’s uber-pure facial line. Earlier this year, she even chatted with Fast Company, about her skincare evolution and shared how important it was to her “to find a company that takes care of the planet, care of the body, [and believes in] transparency is amazing,”

Third, Dern is also a big environmental activist and maintains an ambassadorship with not only the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), but also Oceana.

With that in mind, one can assume Dern might’ve been a bit turned off by Young Living’s dual-country illegal tree trafficking activities. In searching for an alternative, she might’ve appreciated doTERRA’s more progressive environmental stewardship practices. Like the fact that doTERRA recently hosted a 100% energy neutral event for 30,000+ attendees

Can you relate to Laura Dern's experience? Have you ever made a great transition to a different brand that you absolutely adore now? My sister and I want to hear about it! DM us on instagram via @CalmandChic



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