Calm & Chic

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Seven Ways to Upgrade Your At-home Yoga Practice

If you are like me, the struggle is real when it comes to making it to yoga class consistently. After the 8 to 5, I can’t always convince myself to pull on my stretchy pants, jump in the car, and make the 20 minute drive to my closest studio. *I am pretty motivated to pull on those same pants, lounge in living room, and keep current on on my newest Netflix guilty pleasure though.

Anyway, these past five months, I’ve decided to up my “A” game and start making my evenings count.  But this time, I decided to feel less pressure about getting to a studio—and just focus on my own practice at home.

Of course (no surprise here) yoga has become one of my favorite daily rituals.  And I’m happy to report that after a bit of trial and error, I’ve found some great little accessories that can help turn any frumpy old living room space, into a zenful yogi-approved utopia:

“Yoga Studio” App by Gaiam: This is the best four dollars I’ve spent all year. It’s changed my yoga practice from mere dabbling to a legitimate habit. The moment you buy the app you have access to everything (none of that lame “pay-per-add-on” silliness that other yoga apps try pull). There are 65 classes, but so far I’ve stuck with about 15 of my favorites ones.  There’s also a neat pose library, and the create-your-own routine class is lovely and intuitive.


For each of the 65 classes you choose your level (beginner, intermediate or advanced), you choose your duration (15, 30 or 60 minutes) and your choose your focus (strength, flexibility, relaxation, balance, or combination). Word of caution: right now the “Intermediate: Combination 60 Minutes Class,” is whooping my weak-millennial-behind. Don’t judge.


RAD rollers: These rollers are magic, 100% natural rubber magic. I first learned about this practice-lifesaver in an article from yogajournal back in 2015.  I was a bit tentative about my purchase at first but these rollers have never failed to impress even my most dedicated Yogi buddies.  Supposedly, you can use the roller to help all sorts of muscle groups, but I just use mine three times a week to loosen my hamstrings, stretch out my back and (oh-so-slowly) make my hips a bit more flexible.   

The rollers work by applying pressure heal your “fascia” aka the stuff that wraps around the muscles that get tense and painful when you stretch.


Diffuser (or Candle): Oh, the delight of “yogaroma.”   My go-to blend is a mix of two essential oils (1:3) Geranium to Clary Sage.  I started adding essential oils to my yoga routine when I stumbled across a Huff Post article about how Elena Browner uses it consistently in her classes internally and in New York.  I put a few drops in my petal diffuser and set the back timer for 1 hour. By the time Shavasana comes around, I’m one relaxed yogi.

If you are more of a "wick-person" may I suggest a Kobo candle—made from domestically grown and sustainable soybeans. Kobo candles are also created using on environmentally friendly materials. Your Karma will thank you.


Mala Beads: First off, mala beads are my favorite way to help me settle down and actually set an intention before my practice (and before my day). I start by sitting at the tip of my mat and treating myself to some extra long breaths with my mala in hand while I mentally set my intention for that day.  With an intention set, I begin w/ the “guru” bead (aka the biggest bead in the center) and move from one bead to the next repeating my intention. 108 beads later I’m feeling a bit more proactive in choosing how my day is going to go.  


I actually DIY-ed my teal lava mala but I’ve recently had my eye on this Fuchsia Agate too. Oh and yep, when I wear my mala outside of my practice I sometimes add drop some Geranium on the lava beads to keep the scent of my practice close to heart.


Yoga Block & Strap:  Of course, no class is complete without the basics. I keep these both on hand to keep me motivated to move when certain slightly-intimidating positions come on my phone’s screen—I’m talking about you Pigeon Pose!

Mat Spray: Seven sun salutations make me work up a sweat and if I’m constantly placing my forehead on the mat I want it to feel clean. So yes, mat spray is a must.


I like this detox yoga mat spray mostly because it’s organic, smells amazing, and it was made by a chemist, so it’s got your clean-needs covered.


DIY Beet Kombucha Juice: Sweet, tangy and with a hint of ginger. To me, morning yoga is a physical cleanse, so it just makes sense to keep the cycle going by giving your liver (aka the ultimate cleansing organ) some sweet beet lovin'.


I really, really enjoy this recipe from EcoSalon. I hope you take to it too.


Hopefully, one of these accessories might just get all seven of your chakra’s buzzing. What other accessories did I miss?


